Thoughts on Telling

When we were planning to have our family there was never any question for me about whether my boys should know the truth about their origins. I want my children to know and understand how and why they were brought into the world.

It seems odd to me that someone would want to keep that information from their children because the knowledge itself doesn’t strike me as being that much of a big deal. Yes, I want to be sure that I don’t play down the importance of the subject to my sons because ultimately they are the people affected by it but, like most secrets, the power is in the secret itself. While you try to keep information from people, the secret controls you. Once it’s out you control it.

As someone who is open, perhaps too open, about the topic of their origins I always thought telling them would be easy. It’s not. I remember trying to explain it to them the day they were born because it was important to me that I be the one that told them. It was incredibly hard and brought me to tears.

As time has passed and their understanding of the things I say to them has improved it’s become a little easier but I’m not yet convinced that it’s all done and dusted. But we read the books and use the words in the hope that one day they will understand them and realise that the story of their conception is part of who we all are.

Time will tell I guess.

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